Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Old Blog!

Ah! My old blog! It's been almost a year since I wrote here! Yet, I am quite surprised how apt my title is and how relevant the content is to my current life, almost a whole year later. I still dream of a new foot, and instead of having simply the one problem with the tendons and ligaments, the surgery has reared it's ugly head and produced a new problem. Yes, even more severe pain resides in the inside of my left ankle, as permanent cartilage damage, possibly requiring a cartilage transplant. Even though the cartilage was damaged before the surgery, there was no pain in that area prior to surgery. The surgeon recommended micro-drilling the bone surrounding the dead cartilage to form a "false" cartilage "just to be sure" that if the pain was originating from there that they would get it, despite the fact that before the surgery I did not have pain in that region. Ever heard of the saying, "If it's not a problem, don't change it" ? Well, after my experience, I cannot recommend this more. Anything touched, necessarily or unnecessarily, almost always results in worsening the problem or creating side-effects that are vastly worse than the problem that previously existed. This is why, although doctors are usually good at diagnosing a problem, most techniques are not yet developed enough to be side-effect free. This is mostly due to the human body's incredibly complexity, in addition to the human doctor's incredibly clumsy hand, in comparison. My best advice is prevention. This is the only way one can really be sure to avoid problems and the even worse problems associated with medical side-effects and the pain of surgical procedures, not to mention the pain of trying to pay medical bills on no income. 
Back to legalese and jargonese and law-life! I am taking the June FYLSE. I need a couple kicks in the but a day to get in my goal of 2 essays per day and 45 minutes of reading and lectures per day. It's been really tough so far. A good 'ol routine would be just what I need, although currently, there is not much to keep me from diverting from my routine, especially with my sporadic temporary work assignments at various law firms. I am thinking of establishing a morning routine of writing an essay while I eat my oatmeal, while my lunch sandwiches are melting on the sandwich maker , and just before I take my shower and dress for work. And if I am not currently working, then leave out the "dress for work" and replace with, "dress for studying." If you are out there studying, good luck!

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