Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Summer Internship

Hello Again. The 1L, now 2L still exists, just in a slightly different realm, the antithesis of not being a law student. Yes, for now, I'm the guilty beach/ tv bum procrastinating and hoping that job/ interview does not find me first. Alas, woe to me, I might be a bitter sadder without it. So, why do they make students get legal experience the summer after their first year? Oh yeah, because law school doesn't kill us enough already. And oh yeah, because a silly law school experience couldn't possibly prep the law student for the law firm. Then why the H. go to law school if we spend all of our other time trying to get the right experiences and contacts to actually get a full time paying position when we graduate? In this paranormal world they are twisting us every which way. And in this paranormal world the degree is only half of the pie. I abstain. I abstain from jobs and interviews and resumes and cover-letters and internships and suits and searching websites and job-sites and career centers and making contacts. I have done more than my share. Let us never work. I'll write scholarly journals in my room and spend my afternoons on the beach for the rest of my life. Who could ask for more? p.s. to be in the legal field in any way shape or form, good legal experiences are always required. Too bad law schools won't do it for us. Signed, your Bitter Legal Accomplice 

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