Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am addicted to this sport, and I have only body-surfed!

Moving from Chicago to San Francisco

Wohooo! I met with some pretty cool lawyers today!

Hello. I had my first meeting with my employers today. They are two busy real estate lawyers in their thirties, who look like some of my classmates! They've been in real estate for four years and need someone to help them write articles for their website. It's kind of odd that since they've been in practice for four years, that they haven't yet set up their website, especially since they are in their thirties! They look like they got out of law school yesterday. Yet, their cars are Toyota Prius, and some other expensive one, and they rent space in the most expensive neighborhood in Chicago. You can't say they don't have a substantial edge. It's all about the networking. Surprisingly, they work together now because they happened to contact each other and live in the same city! things work out. They sat next to each other in Crim law in law school and now they are sitting next to each other, years later. One of the lawyers had taken several years to spend traveling to different countries. Ah! The choices! I wish this were me? Can it be? We'll see. This summer: reviewing first year (for bar prep), and doing well at my internship! Work hard. Work harder. Work hardest. Wait- work smarter! 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Did I Never Tell You I Got A Job?

Wow! Yes. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I hung up the phone after a conversation with my soon-to-be employer. It was the happiest day of my entire summer to be correct! For about an hour, I was in a state of bliss only Gods enjoy. Then. I was back to my regular miserable self. But! But for 1 whole hour it was amazing. Suddenly, it clicked. I am outwardly dependent on outside events for my personal happiness! How incredibly shallow of me. Yet, it felt incredibly amazing to be "offered" a position with a credible law firm in my local area with only a hint of charisma on my part, borrowed polyester pants, and an afro-like frizz attack to my hair on that humid day, I managed to capture the spirit of the bold, charismatic, flexible, and talented law student that young lawyers want. Did I say young? Oh. I meant youthful. Boyish good looks, soft hands, pastel-colored shirts, timidity. Oh, you know the jive. Just the kind I crave. Timidity? Well, don't ask me. I don't know where that came from. 

Okay, back to more sobering issues. In a few short hours (since it really is starting to appear as if I never sleep, and chances are I've become a vampire), my sweet unadultered skin will start forming scar tissue, as a result of the sharp, unmerciful crude edge of a knife. I will never be the same after this. No matter how many words you want to say, "Oh, you'll be fine." Really and truly, I will never be the same again after this surgery, whether that means physically, chemically, mentally, or emotionally. Odds are in favor of changing all these things, if only for fractions of seconds, as a result of this destructive blunt-edged process. One day I'll change all of this. If not today. Well, I'll give you the opportunity to ponder the meaning of my words (think radiation surgery). 

Anyhow, very tired. Good night! Wish me courage and strength.