Thursday, July 24, 2008

Only Time Will Tell

There is something quite unsettling about unfinished business. So, here it goes. Where shall I go? Or shall I stay here, all warm, comfortable, and sandy? Shall or work or dabble? Work, most definitely. Shall I stay warm and southern, yet slightly isolated? Or, shall I move North, and bear the risk of job failure, noisy neighbors, slushy snow, and frosty winters with an uncertain direction? Or, shall I go West and face a similar fate as if I went North? All this moving about must end somewhere. Usually, I go where the pieces fall, as fate is usually determined by these. Time will reveal my destiny. 

Florida Tree Frogs Love to Stick to Windows, plants, and stay close to home

Florida, where I live, is a Beautiful Jungle

Jacksonville Beach is a strange paradise of few people

Geckos- These things are all over the place!

Prehistoria, Here I am

Hello Everyone,

So many things have happened since I last met with you. Perhaps this is why I haven't written! Too much going on, too much to say. I am now in Florida, enjoying the warm, humid weather and the fear of cockroaches and alligators alike. At night, sweating out a phone call as bugs zap in the electrical bug zapper and my eyes frantically scan the pleiostene-age vegetation for the glowing eyes of some prehistoric amphibian with a mouth full of teeth, I wonder just why it is that I am here. Really, it's because I am not somewhere else, say, humid, mucky and shopping mall-filled Chicagoland or San Francisco where law students go to die. Pardon my pessimism, but memories just tend to attach themselves to the places they were wrought, kind of like mold on bread left way too long in the pantry. 

On a more pleasant note, my ankle has healed well from the surgery, but still needs 6 weeks of physical therapy to get back to normal. On a darker note, my right ankle now seems to be exhibiting the same pre-surgery symptoms of my left ankle. 

My law firm website material is in it's last stages and needs a little motivation to spice it up (and finish it up)! 

I met this amazing Jewish lady at the pool today. She has all the energy and excitement of an undergraduate. Her normal talk of doctors, hospitals (my parents work at a hospital), parent occupations, sibling occupations and grades, and search for other Jewish individuals excited and enticed me. I'm not sure why yet, but nevertheless, I haven't met someone so inspiring in over two years! 

Oh yeah, I swim. It's fantastic. I started last summer, and kept it up at UCSF's outdoor swimming pool a few times throughout the year. It's not a running substitute, but it will have to do for now. My stretch goal is a triathalon within 2 years. Tomorrow the beautiful white sandy beaches of Jacksonville. 

The true business of my days has yet to be told, involving a rehauling of living, travel, and study plans. When we meet again, dear readers.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


A Flurry of Events and A Collection of Good Memories


Sorry for not posting earlier. So much has been going on lately. I am busy with my new law firm job at Hawbecker & Garver. I work remotely on their website content, FAQ and articles. They are a supportive and exciting young firm. They are a pleasure to work for. I just have to keep up with all of the  deadlines! Anyway, I enjoy this. This is a small price to pay for the job(s) and connections this could get me in the future. I am very positive about my experience. However, I seem to procrastinate excessively, which causes anxiety on my part. Some good advice: "Just do it!" and then you will get to enjoy the fact that it's finally done! Tomorrow I want to go to the annual post-fourth of July Folsom Street Fair. My treat for going will be a fully complete, printed, and mailed report due Monday. Then more due Wednesday, but for tomorrow evening, I hope to enjoy it and be free of anxieties. I have enjoyed a lot of events in San Francisco, including 4th fireworks, free day at SF MOMA and the SF Zoo, the various parks, SF Pride Parade, Sushi, Sunset, Ocean Beach, Fisherman's Wharf, the Cable Cars, a Movie, and a Union Square Flik, all while on crutches! I hope it goes well until the 12th when I depart for my brother's wedding. And then to Florida to see the fam. I would love to hear about others' firm jobs, but have yet to hear from others. Hope all is well.